JSON-LD, an abbreviation for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data, is a lightweight linked data format that is easy to read and write. Its primary use is to structure data while maintaining compatibility with JSON, one of the most common data formats on the web.
Deep Dive into JSON-LD
JSON-LD stands for JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data. It’s an incredibly powerful tool used for structuring data and has been endorsed by Google as their preferred format for structured data.
JSON-LD is unique because it is built upon two existing standards: JSON, a popular data format used in web applications due to its simplicity and versatility, and Linked Data, a method for structuring data that allows it to be interlinked and become more useful through semantic queries.
So, what does this mean in practice? Well, JSON-LD enables you to include ‘semantic’ data within your website in a way that’s both easy to add and easy for search engines to understand. By using JSON-LD, you can describe precisely what your content is, what each piece of the content means, and how it relates to other content.
Consider this simple example:
“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “Person”,
“name”: “John Doe”,
“jobTitle”: “Graduate research assistant”,
“affiliation”: “University of Dreams”
In this JSON-LD snippet, we define the ‘@context’ as, a collaborative community activity that creates, maintains, and promotes schemas for structured data on the Internet. We’re telling search engines that the vocabulary we’re using to describe our content comes from
The ‘@type’ attribute is used to define the type of item being described; in this case, a ‘Person’. The following key-value pairs (“name”, “jobTitle”, “affiliation”) then provide detailed information about this person. Each of these keys is a term from the vocabulary, so search engines can understand precisely what each piece of data means.
The result is a rich data snippet that provides clear, structured information about a person in a format that’s easily understood and indexed by search engines. This process can be extrapolated to describe any type of data, from products and services to blog articles and events.
This approach to data structuring gives you far more control over how your content is understood and represented by search engines. And as search engines get better at understanding and using this data, we’ll see more advanced and sophisticated search features, enhancing the visibility and accessibility of your content.
Importance of JSON-LD in Digital Commerce
Imagine you have a shop. It’s filled with a variety of products – from clothing to electronics. You know your store like the back of your hand. You know where everything is placed, the specifics of each product, and their price. Now, imagine a customer walks into your store for the first time. Without your guidance or clear signage, they’ll be overwhelmed and confused about where to find what they need. JSON-LD plays a similar role but in the digital world of your online store.
In the context of digital commerce, JSON-LD acts like a helpful guide to search engines, offering them a detailed and clear map of your website’s content. This makes it easier for search engines like Google to understand and index your online store, which, in turn, makes it easier for your potential customers to find your products when they’re searching online.
Let’s simplify this even further: Suppose you run an online store selling shoes. Without JSON-LD, Google might only see your site as a generic online store. But with JSON-LD, Google could understand your website as a shoe store, know that you sell running shoes, high heels, boots, and sandals, and even understand the different sizes, colors, and prices for each product. This is important because when a customer searches for “size 9 red boots,” Google will know that your store sells that product and can show it in the search results.
Additionally, JSON-LD can enhance the display of your website on search engine results pages. It enables rich results, such as showing product ratings and price directly in the search results, making your website stand out and appear more attractive to potential customers.
In conclusion, by using JSON-LD, you’re giving search engines a better understanding of your content, which in turn could lead to higher visibility in search results, potentially increasing traffic to your site and ultimately boosting sales. That’s why JSON-LD is a crucial tool in the arsenal of any digital commerce strategy.
JSON-LD Apps for Shopify Stores
MarbGroup Digital Commerce offers two powerful Shopify apps that take advantage of JSON-LD’s capabilities to optimize SEO. The first, JSON‑LD Express for SEO Schema, focuses on implementing structured data to improve search engine rankings. The second application, Express SEO, includes JSON-LD implementation as an add-on feature.
Both applications help Shopify store owners to structure their data better and improve their online visibility. By leveraging JSON-LD, these applications provide essential context to your store’s data, allowing search engines to better understand and present your store in relevant search results.